October 13, 2020

Essay about empowering women surfers

    In your introductory paragraph: (Should only be one paragraph long and no longer than half a page.) Summarize some of the historical events that […]
October 15, 2020

Power and gender overlap

    How do power and gender overlap in the way that the ghost narrator is portrayed in The Untold Story? LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBO2eSZC4W0&feature=emb_title
October 22, 2020

Alienation and Species Being and feminism

  Talk about alienation and species being as well as feminism. elaborate and add more to the previous order. Use a specific example in the acting […]
October 27, 2020

Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone

  Watch the following video featuring sociologist Michael Kimmel. Respond to the discussion post questions following the video in at least a hundred words (about 50 […]
November 5, 2020

Women and Social Movements

  Women and Social Movements Document Project: Access word document provided and complete an essay that draws upon the sources in your chosen document collection to […]
November 17, 2020

Linda Nochlin’s article “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists

    Write an essay on Linda Nochlin’s article “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” As you read Nochlin’s Essay, consider these questions: What […]
November 22, 2020

Reading Genders Presentation

    Create a 2-5 minute powerpoint presentation. Question: Which of the texts you have studied best exemplifies the themes of the module? choose the text […]
November 23, 2020

Why Gender Equality Is Good for Everyone

      Watch the following video featuring sociologist Michael Kimmel. Respond to the discussion post questions following the video in at least a hundred words […]
November 24, 2020

The impact of women in office.

  For this paper, you will analyze the impact of women in office. You will select two members of Congress, one male and one female, who […]