February 3, 2020

Immigration Policies

How do different policies towards immigration throughout history offer an insight to what governments believe about the procedures? Think in terms of economies, population, and city […]
February 4, 2020

Role of government

What is the role of government? (in general)
February 5, 2020

How British and French colonization compare

How does British and French colonization compare (thinking especially about indirect vs. direct rule)?
February 10, 2020

Public Administration

• Define the term statesmanship and explain its relevance to effective and ethical public administration. • Evaluate historical models for government administration. • Compare and contrast […]
February 16, 2020

The Patriot Act and the Freedom Act violate the civil liberties of Americans

Does the Patriot Act and the Freedom Act violate the civil liberties of Americans
February 17, 2020

National Competitiveness

Explain how nations can enhance their competitive advantage. What are the determinants of national competitiveness? Provide at least one example of a country with successful national […]
February 22, 2020

Partnership between a nonprofit and a government.

Identify a problem in society that could be addressed through a partnership between a nonprofit and a government. Why is it appropriate to address this problem […]
February 23, 2020

Bill of rights

Compare 4 history textbooks and analysis the difference between the 4 history textbook (how they write about “bill of rights” and the different perspectives they have).
February 27, 2020

Labor relations

  Select a current event that describes a labor-management issue – this issue should be within the last two years. must include A) why did you […]