July 5, 2023

Population-Based Or Community-Based Nursing

    Chose one of the following specialties of nursing: Community Health Nursing Public Health Nursing Step 2: Select either A or B discussion point below […]
July 5, 2023

Family Tree Analysis

    Wite a 2-3 page analysis of the family tree you created in Week 1 to illustrate the medical issues and health behaviors that have […]
July 5, 2023

The different effects and risks associated with the various forms of cocaine

          Consider the different effects and risks associated with the various forms of cocaine (chewing the coca leaf, snorting cocaine, injecting cocaine, […]
July 5, 2023

The health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care.

      Research the health-illness continuum and its relevance to patient care. In a 750-1,000-word paper, discuss the relevance of the continuum to patient care […]
July 6, 2023

Health Promotion: Prevention Of Disease, Infant & Toddler

    Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components […]
July 6, 2023

The role philanthropic organizations can play in the public health policy process.

          Explain the role philanthropic organizations can play in the public health policy process. Name at least isand describe how they influenced […]
July 6, 2023

Issues that influence curriculum development and the changing demands in healthcare

          Considering today’s forces, trends, and issues that influence curriculum development and the changing demands in healthcare delivery, discuss how you think […]
July 6, 2023

How privacy can be legally protected

        Explain how privacy can be legally protected. Summarize the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA). Discuss the “intrusion into seclusion” concept. […]
July 7, 2023

Burnout among healthcare professionals

  Burnout among healthcare professionals in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic