July 9, 2020

Health in the Global Community. Women’s health.

Review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions. Describe globalization and international patterns of health and disease. Identify international health care organizations and […]
July 9, 2020

An application/ website used in telehealth

As the field of clinical psychology evolves, there are new technologies available to assist with the delivery of services. These technologies come with both benefits and […]
July 9, 2020


The objective of this reflective paper is for you to increase your self-awareness around your own challenges and to use this knowledge for your benefit as […]
July 10, 2020


In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of breastfeeding and address the following: Explain at least 3 advantages and […]
July 11, 2020

Eliminating Barriers Within Communities in the United States

  Respond to the prompts below in full sentences. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling: As a community health nurse, you work with […]
July 11, 2020

Diagnosis for Social Work Practice

COVID 19 has made it very difficult to find placement for clinical. I was lucky enough to find an agency willing to accept me as an […]
July 11, 2020

Health educator to choose a communication method

Health educators must ensure targeted community members receive health behavior information through proper communication channels. Pretend you are a health educator tasked with getting youth to […]
July 14, 2020

The effect of how Telehealth is Transforming How Care is Done

The SMAC paper is the term paper for the cause the document named ” Learning Contract V4″ is what was approved by the professor and the […]
July 14, 2020

The American Lung Association

Review the American Lung Association’s home page. Research the Internet about a problem that occurs with the respiratory system. For your first post, write a description […]