May 12, 2022

Why the United States decided to join the “Imperialist Club”

      Several reasons are proposed explaining why the United States decided to join the “Imperialist Club”. Which argument was the strongest, and which argument […]
May 16, 2022

The Patronage System

    Define what the Patronage System was during the Baroque Period. Was this beneficial or detrimental to the composer? Why? choose whether you believe the […]
May 21, 2022

The rise of professional schools in the early 19th century of the United States.

        Evaluate the rise of professional schools in the early 19th century of the United States. How did the rise of professional schools […]
May 24, 2022

The role of emancipation on the Civil War and Reconstruction

      -An introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement outlining your overall argument -Body paragraphs to support your argument -At least five secondary sources […]
May 29, 2022

The Industrial Revolution

    Art during the Industrial Revolution was divided into three main categories. These categories were “romanticism”, “impressionism”, and “realism”. What are the differences between the […]
May 30, 2022

The civil war

        1. Choose a topic related to U.S. History up to 1877 (Chapters 1-15) that you would truly like to explore and that […]
May 31, 2022

Development in the West

    1. What was the most important item to own in the West? 2. How did the Indians view land ownership? 3. Describe the way […]
June 2, 2022

Events that triggered discord between the colonies and the Mother Country.

    In your paper, explain which events triggered discord between the colonies and the Mother Country. Be sure to do some research on your own […]
June 2, 2022

The Civil War in the USA

    In a 2 pages essay prove that the Civil War is the most impactful event in the United States history.