May 27, 2023

The “Tough Teen” is Quietly Writing Stories

Write at least a one page and a half essay in MLA style (double spaced, With a specific line, thesis statement supporting evidence, clear conclusion, etc.). […]
May 27, 2023

Se Habla Espailot

  Write at least a one page and a half essay in MLA style (double spaced, With a specific line, thesis statement supporting evidence, clear conclusion, […]
May 27, 2023

Mother Tongue

  Write at least a one page and a half essay in MLA style (double spaced, With a specific line, thesis statement supporting evidence, clear conclusion, […]
May 27, 2023

Well behaved Women Seldom Make History

  Write at least a one page and a half essay in MLA style (double spaced, With a specific line, thesis statement supporting evidence, clear conclusion, […]
May 27, 2023

East Asia

  Step 1: Identify at least one significant bit of Japanese history for each of the five Japanese periods. 1. Heian 2. Kamakura 3. Ashikaga 4. […]
May 27, 2023

Museum Exhibit on Feudalism in Western Europe and Japan

  Module Project: Museum Exhibit on Feudalism in Western Europe and Japan Remember to write in complete sentences for your descriptions and explanations. Instead of this […]
May 27, 2023

Central and South American Legacies and Contributions

Step 1: Write a complete paragraph explaining your choice. Include three summarized facts from the lesson—a SPRITE analysis is a good idea to evaluate each civilization […]
May 30, 2023

England’s efforts to colonize Virginia and the Chesapeake

            What do you think about England’s efforts to colonize Virginia and the Chesapeake? What are your thoughts on the people […]
May 30, 2023

The instruments of war

          Discuss in detail the subject historians identify as “the instruments of war.” Your discussion should identify and explore the specific features […]