March 30, 2020

World War 1

“Explain the causes of World War I. Please consider Nationalism, Imperialism, Alliances, and the immediate events leading up to the Great War. Chicago Style formatting and […]
April 1, 2020

Ancient Greece

Based on the class lectures, what are the significant geographical, historical, religious and artistic developments that contributed to the cultural values of Ancient Greece .
April 1, 2020

The market revolution

How did the market revolution affect the lives of workers, women, and African-Americans?
April 2, 2020

Strangers from a different shore

What were the first group of Chinese to come to the US like? MOSTLY what age? Why? Mostly what gender? Why? From what kinds of areas? […]
April 4, 2020


Write a 2 pages paper on this scandal. what, where, How, who, why as much detail Company: Global financial services firm. What happened: Hid over $50 […]
April 8, 2020


Compare and contrast the arguments made in favor and against slavery. What types of arguments did abolitionists use to fight against the institution of slavery? What […]
April 11, 2020

The American Revolution

How did the American Revolution affect the ideas of freedom and liberty for slaves, free blacks, and women?
April 14, 2020

The American Revolution

Write an essay about what social and economic factors led to the American Revolution Intro needs to be about the French and Indian war that ended […]
April 15, 2020

Guitar in Europe and North America

INTRODUCTION: One paragraph Using “Picking through cultures,” provide an overview with a thesis in bold (i.e., The guitar had a significant impact upon the the music […]