June 22, 2020

The February revolution

What led to the February Revolution? Why was there a need for an October Revolution the same year?
June 22, 2020

The American and the French Revolutions.

Compare the American and the French Revolutions. Pay attention and discuss the social, cultural, and  economic contexts in the US and France. What led to these […]
June 22, 2020

Civil Rights

1. Explain the history of Civil Rights in the United States. 2. Next, explain what the ramifications were of the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown […]
June 23, 2020

American History in the 1700s and 1800s.

Summarize your progress so far. Provide au update on your thoughts on American History in the 1700s and 1800s. Does History repeat itself?
June 24, 2020

Forces that led to World War 1

Consider the forces at work in Europe that led to the outbreak of World War 1 as well as the conditions that contributed to the Paris […]
June 25, 2020

Edgerton-Tarpley’s essay “Pictures to Draw Tears from Iron”?

Hershatter identifies a range of gendered tropes that emerged during the second half of the nineteenth century. These included the chaste woman, the ignorant, slothful, and […]
June 29, 2020

“The Vietnam Trilogy”

Film As History Paper 1: “The Vietnam Trilogy” Question: Oliver Stone looks at a specific event (The Vietnam War) from a number of different perspectives. Does […]
June 29, 2020

American History

Allied during World War II, within two years postwar antagonism led the United States and the Soviet Union into a new conflict that will continue until […]
June 29, 2020

The emergence of Mannerism

The term Mannerism derives from the Italian word maniera (one of Vasari’s criteria for evaluating art), meaning “manner” or “way of working.” Choose at least one […]