November 4, 2020

he era of 1500-1850.

      Write short essays (at least one half page each, double spaced) on two of the following key terms. Tell why the person, place, […]
November 4, 2020

Wilson’s Revolution for everyone

  After reading Wilson’s Revolution for everyone chapter 4-6 answer the following. 1. A HEARTWARMING TALE Explain “This might seem like a heartwarming tale but there […]
November 4, 2020

Perspectives on Early America

  Gonda- Colonial Women. Describe the situation of colonial women in North America and use examples from the essay to illustrate your answer. McMichael- Abigail Adams. […]
November 5, 2020

Immigration in the late 1890s –1916- HIST1302

    Topic: Immigration in the late 1890s –1916 Who came? Where did they come from? How were they treated? How did they adjust to life […]
November 6, 2020

Composers Who Died Young

    Identify the correct musical period for each composer. Which composer do you feel was the biggest loss to music history? Support your opinion with […]
November 7, 2020

European Colonialism (India)

      In this Discussion, you will discuss the European settlement of India. Answer ONLY ONE of the following questions: 1. Discuss the importance of […]
November 7, 2020

The late Roman Republic

      Discuss the changes and difficulties of the late Roman Republic that led to creation of the Roman Empire. What events occurred and how […]
November 8, 2020

History and Islamic civilization

    Umayyad Empire was the first official Islamic Empire after the Caliphate came to an end. Write a short note about it (1-2 pages maximum) […]
November 9, 2020

China’s relations with world with late imperial period 1500-1900.

      Term paper about some important issues in China’s relations with world with late imperial period 1500-1900. 1000-1500 words double spacing, APA format, one […]