November 9, 2020

Peter Drucker

      1.Explain why Peter Drucker is considered the father of modern management? 2. What are the profound and philosophical goals and benefits of a […]
November 10, 2020

History of Aircraft Engines

  Introduction – Tells the reader what you are going to write about and includes your thesis statement. Be sure to make it interesting so the […]
November 10, 2020

The Cold War

    Select one of the following smaller nations: Korea Vietnam Cambodia Cuba Another smaller nation of your choice with instructor approval For the initial post, […]
November 11, 2020

How Historians and scientists are alike

          Historians and scientists alike are admonished not to set out in their research to prove something. Rather they should set out […]
November 11, 2020

The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty

  Write a research paper presenting a critical assessment of a historical case study of negotiations between state parties, or between a state party and non-state […]
November 12, 2020

Bakaridjan Kone & Yoruba creation myths

  1. How does Bakaridjan Kone defeat Bilissi? Two detailed sentences. 2. What is the significance of a calabash in the “Quarrel of Sagbata and Sogbo” […]
November 12, 2020

Keeping La Florida town

    Spain confronted many difficulties in keeping other countries from overthrowing Spain’s claim to Florida. English and French conquest of the Americas began to encroach […]
November 15, 2020

The US Civil War

      The root cause of the US Civil War was a catastrophic dispute over slavery Complete the lesson on Historiography. Do this before you […]
November 15, 2020

Women of Color Struggles: The Power to Change

  The Power to Change For this week’s discussion, select 1 or 2 issues from the issues facing women globally and come up with a solution […]