January 30, 2021

Dust Bowl

What was the Dust Bowl, what part of the United States suffered the most as a result and what was the Bonus Army and what happened […]
February 6, 2021

The Cold War and U.S. Diplomacy

    Select a president from the table, “Presidents and Their ‘Doctrines,’” in Roskin, Chapter 4. Then write a 3-5 page paper on the doctrine that […]
February 7, 2021

Scramble for Africa

Explain the reason for the ” scramble for Africa” In the book ” The Essential World History Book Volume 2 since 1500 by William J. Duiker […]
February 8, 2021

How use opiate began in the world

  Chapter 9- Discuss how use opiate began in the world and some of the dangerous associated with their use. Chapter 10- Explain the process of […]
February 8, 2021

The great America

    When was America great? Draw upon any part of the textbook, or your own sources. Please cite what you are using as evidence. There […]
February 8, 2021

The actual history of the American West

    What does the actual history of the American West tell us about the significance of the frontier in American history? What was the myth […]
February 8, 2021

Religious and cultural history.

        Choose a building or structure with a significant religious and cultural history. Buildings you might consider include the Taj Mahal, Hagia Sophia, […]
February 8, 2021

Clement Greenberg’s 1939 essay “Avant-Garde and Kitsch.”

  1. In your opinion, is his perception of high and low art correct to some degree? If yes, why so? If not, why not? Is […]
February 9, 2021

History question

      Historical fiction is defined as movies and novels in which a story is made up but is set in the past and borrows […]