April 21, 2021

Important person/ event in modern history

      You can write the paper( for instance) on a person ( Napoleon ) , event( Armenian Genocide )or set of people, , ( […]
April 25, 2021

“The Cold War”.

  The period between the end of WWII and 1991 is famously called “the Cold War”. What were some of the most important events or trends […]
April 25, 2021

The Progressives in California

  The Progressives in California enacted several social and political reforms as they gained power. One of these reforms was creating non-partisan elections for local offices. […]
April 26, 2021

Labor in Late 19th Century America

In this essay you are to discuss the factors that led to the rise of labor unions. You must discuss the emergence of labor unions, why […]
April 27, 2021

1950’s “the best decade in American history”

  Some historians have called the 1950’s “the best decade in American history” while other thinkers have criticized this period. Make an historical argument in response […]
April 27, 2021

Plagues and Peoples in History

    You will choose five (5) weeks for which you will submit a 2-3 page primary source analysis based on the sources provided in Hammond, […]
April 28, 2021

Studying history

          What might you say to your friends to convince them to study history and, more specifically, this time period (ca. 1350-1789)? […]
April 28, 2021

Reforms that are taking place in Tennessee between 1890 and 1921

  Select two reforms that are taking place in Tennessee between 1890 and 1921 that you see as a part of the Progressive movement. Explain how/why […]
April 30, 2021

The Battle of Atlanta

  Why was the Battle of Atlanta necessary if the war was effectively won at Vicksburg/Gettysburg?