July 31, 2021

Expansion and settlement of the west.

  Summarize then make an argument about the black hills, and the treaty of laramine and how it led to the battle of bighorn and wounded […]
August 1, 2021

Protest for change

  President George Bush, our 43 rd. President, in a noted speech in Africa at Goree Island Senegal, described the “forced migration of slavery in America, […]
August 4, 2021

The Philadelphia Negro essay

    W.E.B. DuBois, The Philadelphia Negro, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1899 pp. 147-196 Health and the Family.These essays should be two pages, double […]
August 4, 2021

Early 1900s of capitalism (Winnipeg general strike)

  According to the following material, write down an short essay. Make it easy to present. Thanks “Precipitating factors Large population returning from fighting in WW1 […]
August 7, 2021

Civil War historians

    Unlike many Civil War historians, Gary Gallagher argues that the Southern Confederacy was bound together by strong feelings of nationalism. What evidence does he […]
August 9, 2021

The life like for Japanese Americans during World War 2

    According to the primary sources found in the book, what was the life like for Japanese Americans during World War 2? What social conditions […]
August 10, 2021

Reconstruction and the Cold War

  The period between Reconstruction and the Cold War is considered by many historians to be a very violent period in the United States and world […]
August 11, 2021

History questions

  1. What were difficulties Americans worried would hinder the return to a peacetime economy? 2. Why did Congress oppose some of Truman’s Fair Deal policies? […]
August 11, 2021

“New Imperialism” and “colonialism”

  Define the concepts of “New Imperialism” and “colonialism” and analyze them in terms of motives, their methods, and their place in the development of the […]