August 15, 2021

The path from Medieval/Byzantine art to the Renaissance

  Respond to the following question. The path from Medieval/Byzantine art to the Renaissance can be illustrated in the changing renditions/transformation of the Virgin and Child. […]
August 24, 2021

Political philosophy/the normative approach make to our understanding of politics

  What contribution does political philosophy/the normative approach make to our understanding of politics? Draw on at least TWO topics covered in Semester 2 Topic that […]
August 26, 2021

‘Salt of the Earth’ Strike

    What triggered the “Salt of the Earth” strike and how was this strike dealt with? How long did the strike last and how many […]
August 26, 2021

Haiti Revolution

      Please answer in 500 words what were the successes of the Haitian Revolution and what were some of the failures of the Haitian […]
September 1, 2021

History and origin of the correlation method you will get the login details after application 1. Presentation of the method “correlation” for data analyis a. Where does “correlation” […]
September 1, 2021

Expansion and settlement of the west.

  Summarize then make an argument about the black hills, and the treaty of laramine and how it led to the battle of bighorn and Wounded […]
September 1, 2021

Pullman strike

    Summarize then make an argument about a specific issue about the strike    
September 1, 2021

The Great Awakening

      Write a 750-1,000 word essay in which you examine the importance of the Great Awakening and its impact on the church. Prepare this […]
September 2, 2021

The Germany and Soviet invasion of Poland.

    Describe the Germany and Soviet invasion of Poland. How was the concept of “Blitzkrieg” conducted by Germany? What technologies contributed to the initial successes […]