November 18, 2021

History of California (1848-1945)

    For this assignment, please write an argumentative paper critiquing the exhibition of the Natural History Museum (photos of the exhibition are provided) by using […]
November 18, 2021

Interesting fact you learned about Nelson Mandela

  Describe one interesting fact you learned about Nelson Mandela from this video clip? Explain your thoughts about it. What do you think would be the […]
November 22, 2021

America and its Eternal Rivalry with Rising.

  A. Introduction: What is the subject all about? What are its boundaries? What is the primary question of research? What are the assumptions and hypotheses […]
November 22, 2021

An Analysis and Critique of Nietzsches Master and Slave Morality.

  Master and slavery morality is a theme central to Friedrich Nietzsche’s works (1844-1900). Beginning his career as a student of archaic texts and languages that […]
November 22, 2021

Causes of the American Civil War

  For the initial post, pick three (3)(I chose these 3) of the leading causes of the American Civil War: • The Fugitive Slave Law 1850 […]
November 22, 2021

Article analysis

Read the following articles and answer the questions Messer, R. (August 14, 1985). “Truman`s Decision On The Bomb.​” Chicago Tribune. (Links to an external site.) […]
November 22, 2021

World War II

Your paper should first provide an overview of the War: failure of appeasement of the West, rise of Hitler and Nazism, and major battles and outcomes […]
November 22, 2021

The Paris Peace Conference of 1919

  What were the objectives of the chief participants at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and how closely did the final settlement reflect these objectives?
November 22, 2021

Turning points

  Turning points are significant events in history that become catalysts for change. These changes, for example, can inspire legislation and war, cause victory or defeat, […]