December 5, 2021

The Vietnam War

    Was the Vietnam War justifiable and fought in an honorable manner? Give evidence to support your opinion. What was the intent behind the American […]
December 5, 2021

The Enlightenment Era

  The tensions that arose between Great Britain and her North American colonies as a result of taxation and other measures that followed the Seven Years’ […]
December 6, 2021

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal Reform Program

  Examine and discuss Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal Reform Program. Focus on the following: The state of the U.S. economy and U.S. society when F.D.R. […]
December 6, 2021

“Western Civilization”

Define the key aspects of “Western Civilization” and discuss the different ways historians might understand the term.How “west” is the West, for example? Whatare the most […]
December 6, 2021

Booker T. Washington

    How did Booker T. Washington think that blacks could improve their circumstances in the South? What did he ask them to give up, at […]
December 6, 2021

The hopes and successes of Reconstruction after the Civil War

  What were the hopes and successes of Reconstruction after the Civil War? What were the major challenges and setbacks? What contributed to the abrupt end […]
December 6, 2021

Problems associated with Josiah Strong with immigrants

In the latter half of the 19th century the United States experienced a huge wave of immigration mainly from Europe. Many of these immigrants came to […]
December 7, 2021

Analysis on the Sullivan Ballou civil war letter

  Discuss 1) Who wrote the document? Whose perspective does it represent? Who was its intended audience? (This one can be a challenge. That’s why it’s […]
December 7, 2021

The reunification of Germany

  How was the United States affected by the changes in Eastern Europe that led to the reunification of Germany? Does a reunified Germany present any […]