January 12, 2022

“Petrakis Family” case history

    Review the “Petrakis Family” case history and video session. In a 3- to 4-page paper, describe a treatment group that would help Helen Petrakis […]
January 18, 2022

How religious identity come to bear on European and Ottoman relations

  How did religious identity come to bear on European and Ottoman relations in the 15th through the early-20th centuries? How did that effect European institutions […]
January 27, 2022

Money Management and Personal Finance

  In this Class Session, we have been discussing the importance of goal setting and budgeting. We have considered the essential elements of budgeting for short-term […]
January 30, 2022

The nature of slavery in pre-sixteenth century African society.

  Discuss the nature of slavery in pre-sixteenth century African society. This discussion centers on slavery in African societies before the advent of the Atlantic Slave […]
February 1, 2022

Russo-Japanese War

What did Japan’s victory in the Russo-Japanese War mean for Japan, Russia, Western powers, and colonial subjects around the world?
February 1, 2022

Baseball History.

Using a real-world example that relates to your major area of study or work experience, find at least two places where potential energy (PE) is added […]
February 1, 2022

Troubled Refuge.

  “Chandra Manning offers a dark, harrowing account of emancipation, suggesting that very little was gained by the freedpeople who flocked to contraband camps.” Evaluate this […]
February 6, 2022

Historical significance

    In writing this essay, you will only be required to explain the historical significance of FIVE of the terms listed under your chosen topic […]
February 6, 2022

A biographical analysis of a significant American military leader.

Students will research, prepare and write a biographical analysis of a significant American military leader. Each pa per will be 1000 words at a minimum (MLA […]