November 30, 2020

Laws and Benefits

Employers are required by law to provide specific benefits to employees. What laws mandate benefits to employers, and what are the provisions of the laws? Provide […]
December 1, 2020

Acting as a supreme court justice

  This essay is basically me acting as a supreme court justice and writing my opinion on the case. I sided with Sandy City. I need […]
December 5, 2020

Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alana Mendes suffered from Alzheimer’s, and was admitted to the Bay Pines Rehabilitation Center. Because of her mental condition, Alana’s daughter, Juanita, completed the admissions paperwork […]
December 6, 2020

Torts and Product Liability

      On his way home from work, Andy Earl stopped at Mad Beach Pub. After leaving the pub, Earl drove his car into a […]
December 10, 2020

Nonviolence and Racial Justice

      Martin Luther King Jr. Nonviolence and Racial Justice What are the five points King makes about nonviolent resistance?
December 14, 2020

Philosophy of Law

    Prompt: Both natural-law theorists, like Thomas Aquinas, and legal positivists, like Hobbes or Austin, refer to “natural law” (and sometimes, in Hobbes and Austin, […]
December 18, 2020

Civil rights

      Whenever civil rights has been covered in history class, or when I’ve seen a documentary or read an article concerning such, I have […]
December 18, 2020

Abbott Proposes a Constitutional Convention)

      exas governor Greg Abbott recently proposed a “convention of the states” in an effort to reshape the U.S. Constitution. Use the web article […]
January 4, 2021

Jury Trial Analysis

    Write 1050 word analysis in which you identify and discuss the steps in a jury trial. Analyze the constitutional trial rights encacted during a […]