October 27, 2021

Alfred C. Kinsey.

  You will research and critically evaluate Alfred C. Kinsey. Please address the following questions in this discussion: Who was Alfred Kinsey and what makes his […]
October 27, 2021

Case laws

  Chapter 6 discusses various case laws that are all important to each of us as citizens of the United States. Discuss findings about each of […]
October 30, 2021

British Acts that caused us to write our amendments

  Give 3 examples of British Acts that caused us to write our first 10 amendments. Be sure to identify the amendments by number.  
November 2, 2021

An unfair punishment or law

  Laws are not always justified, and neither are punishments. Consider an unfair punishment or law that should be changed then explain why there is an […]
November 3, 2021

Loving V Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) Landmark decision of the Supreme Court

  Loving V Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967) Landmark decision of the Supreme Court that struck down laws banning interracial marriage as violations of the Equal […]
November 3, 2021

The Land Registration Act 2002

  The Land Registration Act 2002 sought to improve the system of land registration in England and Wales through securing particular objectives identified by the Law […]
November 4, 2021

Disability Law Brochure

Description: Understanding the laws and regulations for providing services to students with disabilities is critical for working in the K-12 setting. Sharing information and resources with […]
November 6, 2021

Intelligence Specialist in the US Navy

  An Intelligence Specialist in the US Navy and was a private investigator. Using those jobs please show how the jobs have taught the course objectives. […]
November 7, 2021

Courtroom standard analysis

  Write a 275 summary where you evaluate the diverse roles of judges. Discuss how they are both independent and mutually interdependent. Be sure to discuss […]