November 18, 2021

The Warren Court

    The Warren Court used the 14th Amendment to the United States’ Constitution to apply the federal constitutional requirements to the states. Discuss in detail […]
November 22, 2021

A negligence lawsuit

      After an incident where a patient developed a life-threatening staph infection following surgery at the hospital, a negligence lawsuit was filed against Bright […]
November 22, 2021

The Supreme Court cases Brown v. Board of Education and Plessy v. Ferguson.

      In a well-written paragraph, describe the relationship between and significance of the Supreme Court cases Brown v. Board of Education and Plessy v. […]
November 24, 2021

Legal protections for women’s employment rights

Refer to at least three of the learning resources for the week in your response to one or more of the questions below. Include specific examples […]
November 25, 2021

Legal matter presented to the Court

Read your local (Hampton Virginia) newspaper, do an internet search, –locate a 2020 or 2021 court case based in the Hampton Roads/ Tidewater/ Historic Triangle area(s). […]
November 25, 2021

The sex offender notification/registration in the United States

    Provide a brief history of the sex offender notification/registration in the United States and explain the specific sex offender registration laws in your state […]
December 1, 2021

The role of common law in modern criminal law

1. What is the role of common law in modern criminal law? Response: Common law today relies on the concept of stare decisis, or precedent, which […]
December 5, 2021

Should we let the Supreme Court Create Law?

      In 1914 the United States Supreme Court created a rule in the Weeks vs the United States case that dealt with Fourth Amendment […]
December 8, 2021

Legal Profession Ethics

The duty of loyalty imposes on the lawyer to avoid any conflict of interest which may harm her client. This conflict may arise not only between […]