October 6, 2022

A legislative act.

      Choose a current health policy from your state that is being considered as a legislative act. Explain the pros and cons of the […]
October 6, 2022

A contractual relationship.

      Discuss the relevance and importance of a contractual relationship. Identify the various types of contracts that are required to be in writing as […]
October 8, 2022

Letter of appeal

I am appealing a dismissal from chamberlain University nursing program. this is my second and last appeal to be allowed back in this school. I have […]
October 11, 2022

In 1947, long before garbage pickup was available in this rural area

  In 1947, long before garbage pickup was available in this rural area, a farmer began burying his non-burnable garbage in a low spot on his […]
October 12, 2022

The key features of European court systems

    Many scholars believe that a strong and independent court system is an important part of democracy. In Europe, quite a bit of variation exists […]
October 13, 2022

Newer piece of technology geared towards law enforcement.

        For this discussion, describe one newer piece of technology geared towards law enforcement. In one paragraph, describe what it is. In the […]
October 13, 2022

How the 1964 civil rights act was passed into law.

    Describe your understanding of how the 1964 civil rights act was passed into law. How has this act been interpreted by the U.S. supreme […]
October 17, 2022

Current day law enforcement

        After taking this class, what is your overall opinion of current day law enforcement? Would you consider a career in law enforcement? […]
October 18, 2022

Tribunal is reviewing an interim decision

Where a Tribunal is reviewing an interim decision, rather than acting as an ‘independent arbiter charged with deciding an issue joined between adversaries’, that Tribunal is […]