September 10, 2024

Deshaney v. Winnebago County

  Jason, a seven year old child, is in the second grade. At school, his teacher noticed he was having problems sitting during class. She asked […]
September 12, 2024

Law enforcement agency

Consider a law enforcement agency that you are familiar with. Programs and Policies that Generate Goodwill with the Community: Incidents, Policies or Programs that have been […]
September 17, 2024

What informed consent is within the helping profession.

In your own words, describe what informed consent is within the helping profession. Now, it is time to get creative! Create a fictional client of your […]
September 23, 2024

Law as it applies to the tort of trespass to land

  Discuss the potential liability of Rupert and Jenny in respect of the law as it applies to the tort of trespass to land and the […]
September 24, 2024

Contract Law by referring to a reputable news source such as The Wall Street Journal

  Explore Contract Law by referring to a reputable news source such as The Wall Street Journal. Follow these steps: Source Selection: Choose a recent article […]
September 24, 2024

Creating draft of a legal contract

  Imagine you’re a budding contract writer, and your task is to create the first draft of a legal contract. Be specific and let your creativity […]
September 25, 2024

How parents best deal with problem behaviors with their children via spanking, time-out or logical consequences

Explain how parents best deal with problem behaviors with their children via spanking, time-out or logical consequences. How does this help develop self-regulation within children? Support […]
September 26, 2024

AI Law Enforcement

Answer the following questions using single spaced 12-point font. Each question should be answered in approximately 1/3-1/2 page. Be thorough in your answer and provide any […]
October 2, 2024

Sources of international law

      Explain and analyze the sources of international law (include treaties, events, customary practices, etc.) Write one thousand words.