February 27, 2020

Effective and Ineffective Leader

Explore opposing leadership styles found in managers. Elaborate on two leaders: one which you determine as effective and the other as an ineffective leader. These individuals […]
February 27, 2020

The growth of the modern Presidency

Discuss any two (2) of the variables which contributed to the growth of the modern Presidency. For example, the growth of communications systems, increasingly utilized by […]
March 1, 2020

Survey in leadership experiences and training.

Candidates conduct a survey of the faculty and staff to determine which faculty and staff are interested in taking part in leadership experiences and training. Design […]
March 2, 2020

Congressional Leadership

  Choose a leader from either the 115th or 116th Congress (Senate majority or minority leader or House Speaker, majority leader or minority leader). Your task […]
March 5, 2020

Authentic leadership

Discuss authentic leadership. How it is different from other theories of leadership? Book Title: Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives – e-book available in the APUS Online […]
March 7, 2020

Internal benchmarks and how bench-marking is performed at the department level.

Describe internal benchmarks and how benchmarking is performed at the department level. Explain how senior leadership may use internal benchmarks to identify best practices within an […]
March 7, 2020

Building sustainable Relationship

Select 5 words that describe the qualities a leader should exhibit. Why did you choose those words? Did any of the ideas presented in the powerpoint […]
March 10, 2020

Leadership and management

The underlying principle of servant leadership is that leaders address the needs of the team before their own and serve others before serving the self. After […]
March 11, 2020

Leadership vs. Management

What is the difference between leaders and managers, what separates managers and leaders, can leadership be taught or is it a trait one must acquire at […]