August 26, 2021

Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the Enlightenment.

  Below we have two writings from the two most famous representatives of their respective movements: Martin Luther of the Reformation, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the […]
August 31, 2021

The prosecution case for the trial of Socrates.

  Discuss the prosecution case for the trial of Socrates.  
September 5, 2021

The programming of computers, and the ‘programming’ of humans by society

  Some philosophers, including John Searle, say that computers are not really intelligent. Rather, they just simulate intelligence. However, it could be argued that, just as […]
September 9, 2021

Logical Fallacies

  Define and cite the term Logical Fallacies and briefly describe how they are misused in politics and business. Thesis: This paper will define and give […]
September 9, 2021


    Superstitions are unsupported beliefs about cause and effect that guide the actions of many people. Pick a superstition that you have or that you […]
September 20, 2021


    Explain intersectionality Explain at least one social philosophy from the textbook. For instance, you might discuss utilitarianism, Rawls, Marx, Nozick, Du Bois, King, or […]
September 21, 2021

Act vs. Rule Utilitarianism

  What is ‘rule’ utilitarianism (RU) and what is the driving force behind revising traditional or ‘act’ utilitarianism (AU)? Use the cracked smart-phone screen analogy to […]
September 21, 2021

Problems for Kant’s Moral Theory

Discuss are least three problems for Kant’s moral principle. 1. Do only rational agents have moral worth? 2. Is the CI is too strict? (I.e., discuss […]
September 25, 2021

The principles of John Locke and Trenchard and Gordon

  The principles of John Locke and Trenchard and Gordon profoundly impacted the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. Write an essay that .. […]