August 24, 2022

Book IV of the Republic, by Plato

    1. What are the three main parts of the soul, as identified in the selection? What is the virtue distinctive to each? 2. What […]
August 24, 2022

Philosophical paradigms related to mixed methods research

        Write a paper using a critical review of philosophical paradigms related to mixed methods research and how they apply in real-life contexts. […]
September 4, 2022

Socrates on human wisdom

  write 3-4 pages treating the following theme in Plato’s Apology: 1) human wisdom.
September 4, 2022

Arguments for or against relativism

  Outline 3 major arguments for or against relativism. See my videos or pages 46-48. Defend your view.  
September 4, 2022

Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and Confucianism

  Buddhism is a good philosophy to follow. Buddhism is a poor philosophy to follow. Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism are good philosophies/religions. Explain three central ideas from […]
September 4, 2022

The idea of soul in Plato and Aristotle

  compare and contrast the idea of soul in Plato and Aristotle. Which view is closer to the truth?  
September 4, 2022

Aristotle’s Four Causes and why they are important

Explain Aristotle’s Four Causes and why they are important. Hints: many modern people only think in terms of material and efficient causes. Is this a mistake? […]
September 4, 2022

Aristotle’s Four Causes and why they are important

Defend or Critique Plato’s Theory of Forms. Some related thoughts: your textbook explains the third man criticism and more. If our world is a computer simulation, […]
September 4, 2022

The main themes of Presocratic Thought

Explain the main themes of Presocratic Thought. Use at least three philosophers to illustrate. Explain why they are important.