December 17, 2022

Power posing

  View the following video on power posing:, and read the short article describing it: Why and how do you think power poses work, and […]
December 17, 2022


      What is legitimacy? How do states maintain legitimacy? 2. What should be the trade-off between order and liberty? 3. How is public opinion […]
December 17, 2022

Shaping political sentiments and values

I​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​n our discussions of All That is Solid Melts Into Air and Detroit: I Do Mind Dying we focused on how the ways that we live […]
December 18, 2022

The fundamental values of American democracy.

      Explain the fundamental values of American democracy. Contrast liberals’ and conservatives’ view on government Consider the current divide over cultural, social, and economic […]
December 19, 2022

The development of a specific political phenomenon

        Explain the development of a specific political phenomenon of your own choosing Americans today consider a civil liberty. Using specific case law […]
December 22, 2022

Perception on politics

        How do you perceive politics? What would be the best description of politics in your own words? If you changed your perception […]
December 22, 2022

Donald trumps trade policies and it’s affects

      Write about Donald trumps trade policy changes when he came into office and the tariff wars and his changes to nafta and the […]
December 24, 2022

AfD facilitate the growth of Right Wing Extremism

  How the AfD facilitate the growth of Right Wing Extremism in Germany Details: Please analyse the attached speech to show evidence that the AfD’s work […]
December 26, 2022

Political theories

  Department of Political science is organising a debate on political theories. An Anarchist and conservatives are invited as resource person. What will the anarchist say […]