July 16, 2022

The skills in the therapeutic process.

        The students must make a PowerPoint with the following topic ” The skills in the therapeutic process. Define concepts and applications. At […]
July 16, 2022

Effective strategies for managing stress and building resilience.

    Both the individual and the community can develop effective strategies for managing stress and building resilience. For example, individuals can improve their physical health […]
July 16, 2022

A non-pathologizing lens.

      Discuss what it means to view our individual differences through a non-pathologizing lens. In recent times, people have begun to adopt a non-clinical […]
July 17, 2022

What people can do to survive

        People have been known to act in extraordinary ways in order to survive. Write an essay that explains the lengths to which […]
July 24, 2022

Beck’s cognitive model

        D​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​escribe Beck’s cognitive model, how it has evolved over time and critic​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ally evaluate it as a theory of depression in light of […]
July 26, 2022

Rise of opioid abuse in middle aged white Americans

        1) Identify a health problem or need for health promotion for a particular stage in the life span of a population from […]
August 2, 2022

Counseling (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy )

  Write an essay on cognitive behavioural therapy, interrogate the research literature base of their own developing approach to counselling practice within the context of cogitative […]
August 2, 2022

Role of Interception in Medication Adherence

  Edit the document on The role of Interception in Medication Adherence for people with Chronic Illnesses
August 2, 2022

Brief Psychological Critical Evaluation

Write a Brief Psychological Critical Evaluation on any psychology issue (related to the course or not related) you select. The desired job is in the filed […]