December 15, 2022

Bias and subconscious bias

        While bias is defined as a particular tendency or inclination, especially one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; subconscious bias is […]
December 15, 2022

Erikson’s Stages of Development.

        Discuss Erikson’s Stages of Development. Give a brief summary of each stage. Discuss the significance of this theory in the nursing profession. […]
December 15, 2022

Peer acceptance and approval.

    During adolescence, there is a developmental shift of focus on peer acceptance and approval. This is also a time when adolescents believe they are […]
December 15, 2022

Psychology of learning

    1). Name and explain the two basic fundamental forms of learning 2). Name and explain the four Laws of Association 3). In your own […]
December 17, 2022

The “Big Picture”

Though the Bible is made up of 66 books, written at various times and with various purposes, there is most definitely a holistic narrative to the […]
December 18, 2022

Learning and Cognitive Theories

    Respond to the following Imagine you were invited to take the test as a child. Predict how you would have responded to the test. Would you […]
December 19, 2022

Important interpersonal communication

  1. Describe in detail the most important interpersonal communication insight that you’ve had about yourself during this course. This should be interpersonal in nature, or […]
December 19, 2022

Three verbal active listening skills

  Create a brief written dialogue between yourself and another person that effectively uses the three verbal active listening skills covered in this course: paraphrasing, empathy, […]
December 19, 2022

Deconstructing internalized privilege and oppression

  “ Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana The passage of time makes it easy for many to […]