February 1, 2023

The counselling and psychotherapy theories

  Now that you’ve had the opportunity to get a basic understanding of a number of the counselling and psychotherapy theories, it’s time to choose one […]
February 3, 2023

The Disciplinary Actions of the BBS

  Read the vignette and analyze the potential ethical/legal issues reflected in the vignettes, and comment on the availability of options for each of the therapists […]
February 3, 2023

“perfect” for the vacant

  Read the vignette and analyze the potential ethical/legal issues reflected in the vignettes, and comment on the availability of options for each of the therapists […]
February 3, 2023

The play date

Read the vignette and analyze the potential ethical/legal issues reflected in the vignettes, and comment on the availability of options for each of the therapists depicted […]
February 3, 2023

Covid 19 Impact

  What will happen to the costs of providing quality HC to patients after this is all said and done?    
February 4, 2023

Cognitive, affective, and behavioral content

Explain the relationship between cognitive, affective, and behavioral content. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.  
February 4, 2023

Types of ambivalence

  List at least two types of ambivalence. Discuss how each type affects attitude. Your response must be at least 200 words in length     […]
February 4, 2023

The importance of attitude strength

  Explain the importance of attitude strength. Include how cognitive, affective, and behavioral components fit into attitude strength.    
February 5, 2023

Evaluating a client progress

            Explain how you might evaluate client progress and determine when a client is ready to terminate services. Describe a situation […]