March 30, 2023

Social hierarchies involved in shaping the consciousness

          Which social hierarchies are involved in shaping the consciousness of the individual or group you are considering? How do the positions […]
March 30, 2023

Moral development theory

          Post an explanation of one moral development theory and its connection to the act of bullying. Be sure to frame your […]
March 31, 2023

A Lifespan Development Theory

                  Prepare a presentation by selecting a Lifespan Development Theory that you can compare each stage to your […]
March 31, 2023

Cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants)

            Should cognitive performance-enhancing drugs (CNS stimulants) be used by “healthy” people? Why or why not? What could be the benefits/downsides/risks? […]
April 2, 2023

Motivational theories

            Examine three motivational theories in depth, as you write a 4-5 page speech demonstrating to an audience of I-O psychologists […]
April 2, 2023

Favourite counselling theory or theories

              Discuss your ideas about your favorite counseling theory or theories, how would you plan to respond to clients in […]
April 2, 2023


            A man is attracted to his brother’s wife, but he acts especially cool toward her, ignoring her so much that […]
April 3, 2023

Presenting Statistics to the Public: Christianity in Society

After reviewing the Read: Pew Center Research Forum: Research Topics-Religions-Christianity item, respond to the following prompts: One of the responsibilities of social science researchers is to […]
April 3, 2023

Historical Issues in Human Research Presentation

      Scenario You have just been hired as a Research Assistant for a hospital where you will be working with a team that conducts […]