June 3, 2020

Blocking and overshadowing effects

Compare and contrast the blocking and overshadowing effects we studied with classical conditioning. Next, using the Rescorla-Wagner theory, explain how these effects might occur with an […]
June 3, 2020

Opioid Misuse in Adolescent

1-Create Concept Map on Opioid Misuse in Adolescent 2-Explain the Impaired Professional and Opioid misuse of a MD, Please explain about the process for an impaired […]
June 4, 2020

Connection between mental and physical health.

Discuss. The connection between mental health and physical health. What do we know, what should we  know, and what should be done in the future?
June 6, 2020

Stages in Kübler-Ross’ analysis of dying.

  Describe the stages in Kübler-Ross’ analysis of dying. Has research supported her stages?
June 6, 2020

Prominent characteristics that a human services professional should embody.

This is the final post of the course and requires introspective thought and self-reflection. Having watched the videos, identify and describe what you feel are the […]
June 8, 2020

Opiod abuse

For this assignment you will provide details about your proposed research topic. You will develop a research question, state your hypothesis, define your variables and operational […]
June 8, 2020

CAGE Questionnaire

CAGE Questionnaire- explain its appropriateness and evaluate its efficacy Post an explanation of the psychometric properties of the assessment tool you were assigned. Explain when it […]
June 9, 2020


In your own words, How does research into memory suggest our memories are stored? Guidelines for writing: apa writing format In-text citation (author, date) Psychology book […]
June 9, 2020

Motivational strategies

      Ultimately, the motivation to act or not is a personal choice. To what degree do you think you, as a teacher, can influence […]