August 5, 2020

Interpersonal Conflict

Review the conflict strategies Watch a television program of your choice and pay particular attention to the interpersonal conflicts. Describe an issue that the characters experience […]
August 5, 2020

The concepts of community mental health

Explain and give some examples of the concepts of community mental health and discuss the importance of community mental health promotion in special populations.
August 6, 2020

Introduction to school counseling

Schedule time to meet with a licensed or certified school counselor. You are highly encouraged to speak with a school counselor that is in a different […]
August 13, 2020

Fad Drug or Trend

Using the Internet research for current drug ‘fads’ or trends. This can include new designer or synthetic drugs that are not covered in the book. Do […]
August 14, 2020


Choose one of the videos (or pairs of videos) listed below but please don’t choose a video you’ve already written about. You will then add two […]
August 15, 2020

Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma

Detail two key takeaways each from Chapters 4, 7, and 11 in Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma (Sieff, H. (2015) Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma ). […]
August 15, 2020

What is inclusion

Go to: Conduct research on strategies for the inclusion of students with ADHD and behavioral problems in the general education classroom. Answer the questions in […]
August 17, 2020

Suffering Worksheet

Address the following questions, responding to each one directly below the question. Your total word count (including all questions and answers combined) should be between 900-1150 […]
August 18, 2020

Adolescent Brain Development and Public Policy

Use mainly this book as a reference and whatever the writers preferred peer-reviewed sources: Developmental Psychology (120683690) 9th editions Ebook. Reference: Santrock, J. W. (2018). A […]