February 25, 2021

Psychology of Space

What are the implications of Dr. Sam Gosling’s talk on the​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ psychology of space for attraction (initiating romance, friendship, and other relationships)?
February 25, 2021

Developmental Psychology

    Imagine you are a Developmental Psychologist and you are reviewing new information about a developmental topic (e.g., delay of gratification, corporal punishment, gender-typed behavior, […]
February 26, 2021

Future professional practice in psych

Consider your current future professional practice in psych as an NP . What might be an area for theory development? How can you engage with theory […]
March 2, 2021

Clinical Psychology/Applied Behavior Analysis

    This discussion is based on the Inside the Teenage Brain video in your reading for this unit. Please also take the time to review […]
March 3, 2021

Industrial Psychology

  Describe the Hawthorne studies. What did the researchers find? What is the Hawthorne effect? Have you ever experienced or observed the Hawthorne effect in action […]
March 4, 2021

Levels of psychological empowerment

Think about a job that you’ve held in which you felt very low levels of psychological empowerment. What could the organization have done to increase empowerment […]
March 4, 2021

Developing Interventions & Influencing Behaviour

  From the case study given – St Martins, you are required to identify a safety, health and wellbeing improvement need. With reference to the chosen […]
March 4, 2021

Benefits and Cost of Social Media In Adolescence

      Annotated Bibliography – Review four potential sources for your research paper project (you should already have your research essay topic chosen), and select […]
March 8, 2021

Min-mental state examination

      Write a 200-250 word response to this prompt about assessment: Discuss different methods of collecting assessment data from the older adult patient and […]