February 25, 2020

Race, Ethnicity, and Justice

How do you react to the widely cited concept of “driving while black”? Have you, your friends, or your classmates been subjected to this?
April 26, 2020

Growing “anti-Asian” racism

During the Covid-19 outbreak there is a growing “anti-Asian” racism across our country. Please spring board off the article and discuss this type of racism, backing […]
July 8, 2020

The Development of Racist Theory

How do you explain Thomas Jefferson’s views in his Notes on the State of Virginia (see the course pack, p.164), and how did anti-racists like Benjamin […]
November 21, 2020

Racial categories on the US census

1) Discuss how racial categories on the US census have changed over time, drawing on data contained in Chapter 7. What do these changes reveal about […]
December 11, 2020

America’s history of race relations

  Which of the following statement would best describe the driving force of America’s history of race relations? Provide a specific examples from the class material […]
February 14, 2021

Race, Class, and Gender

Media violence has led to increased rates of youth violence. This youth violence is linked to real-life aggression. Does media violence desensitize youth to real violence? […]
April 24, 2021

Racism and Stereotypes in Movies

  Prepare a couple of sentences that describe the general topic you will be working with. These sentences should describe the artifacts you will be working […]
April 29, 2021

Resources for children about Racism

Children and Racism     Hopefully, new tragedies that we have witnessed or experienced make us more dedicated to wanting to help our world and our […]
May 6, 2021

Racial Identity

    Which of the following statements is (are) true? Why or How? Example(s)? a. Two individuals with the same racial identity may have different ethnicities […]