April 25, 2020

Book review

Write a book review on Vine Deloria Jr. God is Red: A Native View of Religion Each review will be 1,000 words minimum each, but not […]
April 27, 2020

Cults of Rome, early Christianity, and the “Zeitgeist” film analysis

Watch the YouTube short film, “Zeitgeist—Religion.” then write a 3-page paper on the cults of Rome, early Christianity, and the “Zeitgeist” film
April 27, 2020

The Nation of Islam

Write an essay about Islam religious architecture (again requiring some additional outside research)., Research the Nation of Islam and write an essay about it. Outline the […]
May 2, 2020

Religion in America Websites

  SOC-412 Religion in America Websites The purpose of the assignment is to develop the skill to access and use National Religion Databases. You will analyze […]
May 2, 2020

Religion Questions

  Choose two of the following four questions and write a 2-3 page essay for each. Make sure your answers are clear and well organized. This […]
May 2, 2020

God’s holiness and the expectation of holiness

What does the book of Leviticus say about God’s holiness and the expectation of holiness that God has for  his people?
May 2, 2020

The priesthood of Jesus

Read Hebrews 7-10. Compare the priesthood of Jesus as compared with the presentation of the priests in  Leviticus.
May 4, 2020

“Disgraced” by Ayad Akhtar

How has being a Muslim citizen affected Amir in his life. This is on the play and story “Disgraced” by Ayad Akhtar
May 6, 2020


Write an essay about Islam the 2 primary functions, what is profane, scared, the main problem in  the religion, cause of the problem, the sacred solution […]