October 24, 2021

Studying Religion

    In a society where diversity and inclusion are critical, we can all benefit from understanding some of the similarities shared by the people with […]
October 26, 2021

The aspects of Jesus’ death and resurrection

  Discuss the aspects of Jesus’ death and resurrection and their relationship to humanity’s salvation. You essay should conclude with some practical application of the paschal […]
October 27, 2021

The biblical implications of hospitality

  In their article, Dong and Lowe discuss the biblical implications of hospitality and how Jesus modeled loving the stranger. How would the notion of hospitality […]
November 11, 2021

Religious tolerance in “A Letter Concerning Toleration”

Evaluate each argument Locke makes for religious tolerance in “A Letter Concerning Toleration”
December 5, 2021

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are considered to be similar religions.

  Critical Core Assignment for Rel 110 Part 1 Pick a religion we have studied this semester whose worldview is very different from yours. For the […]
December 9, 2021

Hinduism is often classified not as monotheistic or polytheistic

    1. Explain the goal of artha (worldly wealth and success), which is a part of the Four Goals of life. How does this fit […]
January 18, 2022

The Christian and Muslim views of Jesus Christ.

    Compare and contrast the Christian and Muslim views of Jesus Christ. Use specific examples / short quotes from texts and tradition to support your […]
January 18, 2022

How the Iberian (Spanish) Catholics understood salvation

  How did Iberian (Spanish) Catholics understand salvation? How did this understanding affect their policies toward indigenous Americans? What different underlying assumptions about the nature of […]
January 18, 2022

Belonging and participating in church

    Why is belonging and participating in church so critically important from a theological perspective?