November 23, 2021

Internal vs. External Processes

  Distinguish between internal and external processes that shape the Earth’s surface. For example, how are intrusive igneous rock formations different from extrusive ones and what […]
December 7, 2021

The special senses

  The special senses help us communicate with our environment. A special sense is one that has a specific organ associated with it, like the nose, […]
December 23, 2021

What can science teach us?

but also explain why we might want to think about the potential shortcomings, as discussed in your readings. Do you believe politicians and certain religious groups […]
December 30, 2021

Scientific Thought about the beginning of our Solar system

  Scientific Thought about the beginning of our Solar system has changed over history. Based on this chapter do you think the current theory is accurate? […]
February 14, 2022

Your impressions of planet Earth

  What are your impressions of planet Earth and its physical processes after watching the assigned documentary? Use three examples from the film that demonstrate our […]
February 21, 2022

Major adaptations that emerged during the evolution of vertebrates

Outline the major adaptations that emerged during the evolution of vertebrates, from fish to amphibians to reptiles to birds to mammals. Explain how these adaptations increased […]
March 1, 2022

Cultural Interpretations of Scientific Representations

          This assignment begins from the assumption that cultural values both shape and are reproduced through scientific representations of nature, but that […]
March 7, 2022

How the sciences of physics and/or chemistry underlie climate and earth science.

    Write an essay about how the sciences of physics and/or chemistry (e.g. thermodynamics, heat, energy, molecular bonds, radiation) underlie climate and earth science. As […]
March 12, 2022

What inspires scientists to pursue their research

        What do you think motivates scientists to ask, “Why?” In other words, what inspires scientists to pursue their research? Include specific examples […]