August 13, 2020

Qin/Han period.

Choose a scientific development or technological innovation from the Qin/Han period. How was it discovered/developed? Does it still influence technology today?
August 24, 2020

How Germs Are Spread

    Every day we come in contact with germs, also known as micro-organisms. They are so small that we actually need a microscope to view […]
August 25, 2020

Evaluation Science News Lab Assignment

    Select one of the following articles (below) and answer the questions in EvaluatingScienceNews-StudentHOext-act.pdf ( in this module) using the criteria from Download EvaluatingScienceNews-criteria-act.pdf (also […]
August 26, 2020

Evaluating Science in the News Activity

  Reading news articles or websites about science is a great way to learn about new ideas, discoveries, and research. But some sources of information are […]
September 3, 2020

Dental Hygiene

  Define the classification of dental caries and restoration. Define the following terms with a diagram/picture with it. Overjet Overbit Malocculusion Class I Malocculusion Class II […]
September 6, 2020

Effects of intense solar radiation

    Draw a diagram that depicts some effects of intense solar radiation near the equator on global patterns of rainfall and winds. Upload your drawing […]
September 8, 2020

Newtons law of motion

    (a) Using your own words clearly describe the three Newton’s Law of Motion and also provide one example of each one. (b) Reply* to […]
September 9, 2020

Science Fiction

    1. Discuss the ways in which the movie District 9 provides a commentary on Colonialism and the perceived threat of the immigrant. After defining […]
September 9, 2020

General Earth Science

    Describe the hydrologic cycle and explain how global warming will affect its components (reservoirs and flows). A large proportion of groundwater is used as […]