October 24, 2021

Pro Choice or Pro Life?

    By now you have realized that abortion is not a simple black-or-white issue. However, those in favor of abortion (“pro-choice”) argue that the question […]
October 25, 2021

The National Head Start Association (NHSA)

  The National Head Start Association (NHSA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to lead and support Head Start Programs across the country. Review their website paying […]
October 25, 2021

Citizenship and minority status

  The two largest Hispanic groups, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans, have seen some parallels in their respective histories of annexation, migration and minority status in […]
October 25, 2021

Stereotyping in our day to day lives.

    We are all familiar with stereotyping in our day to day lives. Broadly speaking, stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon an entire group of people […]
October 25, 2021

The religion, political, and scientific ideas of the axial age

Why are the religion, political, and scientific ideas of the axial age so important? How do these religious, political, and scientific advances further support the development […]
October 25, 2021

How the United States prepared for the war on the home front

  How did the United States prepare for the war on the home front? How did the American economy adapt to war? How did Franklin Roosevelt […]
October 25, 2021

Civil liberties

    How and why did the term “civil liberties” emerge to combat the advent of coercive patriotism during and immediately following World War I? (Please […]
October 25, 2021

The relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi

  Explain the relationship between satyagraha and swaraj for Gandhi. How does his concept of non-violent resistance relate to his beliefs about God and punishment? How […]
October 25, 2021

The concept of indentured servitude and slavery.

  Compare and contrast the concept of indentured servitude and slavery. How were their experiences similar and different? What factors contributed to the rise of the […]