November 1, 2021

Widening Gap Between The “Haves” And The “Have-Nots” In Iceland

  In light of the Financial crisis of 2007-08 and the current Pandemic, commentators have highlighted a widening gap between the “Haves” and the “Have-nots”. You […]
November 1, 2021

Economics like a science

    1. How is economics like a science? 2. Why is economics a “social” science? 3. Why do economists sometimes offer conflicting advice to policymakers? […]
November 2, 2021

Application of Concepts from Caring Science

  A theory can be used to guide practice. This assignment is an exercise in supporting a clinical practice with theory and evidence. Directions: Identify an […]
November 2, 2021

Nozick and Nagel

    Nozick and Nagel discuss the meaning and the shortness of life. How do you think the brevity of our lives effects our possibility of […]
November 2, 2021

The secret Epidemic (the story of aids and Black America) by Jacob Levenson

  Read The secret Epidemic (the story of aids and Black America) by Jacob Levenson What does Sara and Rebecca’s story tell us about the impact […]
November 2, 2021

The conservative argument against abortion

  What is the conservative argument against abortion? What is the liberal argument for a woman’s right to an abortion? Why is personhood such an important […]
November 2, 2021

The sociological framework

  Choose a problem you would like to solve within society. This could be about environmental issues, human trafficking, etc. You will use this issue throughout […]
November 2, 2021

Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior

  Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy” by Scott A. Anderson pg.582 Write a summary not an essay on this story in my […]
November 2, 2021

Ascribed rather than achieved status

    What might be some advantages, for both the society and the individuals living in it, of a society where status was ascribed rather than […]