January 5, 2021

Auteurist theory

  Much in the same way people have favorite authors who create certain expectations from their writing, we have the auteurist theory in film. Explain why […]
January 12, 2021

Makes Sociology Different by Emile Durkheim

What are “social facts” according to Durkheim, and what power do they have on individuals? Have you experienced the power imposed by “social facts” before?
January 12, 2021

Adapting without a sense organ

    Imagine that you live in a society where senses are commodities. You are asked to give up one of your senses (hearing, vision, taste, […]
January 12, 2021

Romantic and the relationship to nature

    Do the Romantics and their message about our relationship with Nature have any relevance today? Why or why not? Refer to course material.  
January 16, 2021

Change Theory

    PowerPoint presentation of your plan with a “script” in the Notes section below each slide, as if you are presenting this to an audience. […]
January 16, 2021

The Family

  Prompt: Write a paper about how your family origin has impacted who you are today. What, if any, qualities of strong, resilient families were present? […]
January 16, 2021

Early Childhood Interventions

    You work as an early childhood specialist with an at-risk population of children through Head Start. One of your job functions is to assess […]
January 17, 2021

Social Interactions in daily life

    Within-person momentary social experiences and psychological and physical health indicators. Read: After you have read the powerpoint and the article offer your own definition […]
January 19, 2021

Serving others

    1. Do you enjoy and find fulfillment in Serving others? Please explain why and how? 2. Do you possess a strong work ethic? If […]