Cause and Effect Essay



Cause-and -effect essays examine causes, describe effects, or do both. Cause and effect links situations and events together in time, with causes preceding effects. But causality involves more than sequence: cause-and effect analysis explains why something happened – or is happening – and predict what probably will happen. Thus, the essay that examines causes and effects can focus on questions as varied as the following:

What might caused climate change, and effects of climate change have been observed?

How did the deregulation of the airline industry change air travel?

Why SAT scores been steadily declining?

Read the following page:

Cause and effect from Patterns for College Writing 1.jpg

In the following article, you will learn how to write an effective cause and effect essay. Read it till the end. Take notes. You will need your notes when you take a quiz.

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3.2 Planning and Structuring a Cause and Effect Essay
Read p. 335 and p.336 to learn how to plan and structure a Cause and Effect Essay, how to describe and predict effects, and how to work on your cause and effect thesis statement.

Please read and take notes:

Cause and Effect Essay p.335-343.pdfPreview the document

3.3 A Student Writer. A Sample Essay.
In “A Student Writer”, please find a sample essay (pp. 338-342).

In “Points for Special Attention” (p. 341), you can read about an essay structure and transitions.

A Sample Essay ” The Irish Famine: 1845-1849″

Cause and Effect Essay p.335-343.pdfPreview the document

3.4 Discussion. Article “Who Killed Benny Paret?” Purpose and Audience. Style and Structure. WRITING WORKSHOP. p. 349
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3.4.1 Assignment 6. Outline. A Cause and Effect Essay
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Available Sep 7 at 12am – Sep 13 at 11:59pm 7 days
You can find the topics for your Cause and Effect Essay on page 349 in “Writing Workshop”

Article .Who Killed Benny Paret.pdfPreview the document

Pick up one topic and create a formal outline for your Cause and Effect essay. 1.2 Formal Outline

Submit by 11:59 p.m. on 13th of September, Sunday.

3.4.2 Assignment 7. The First Draft. A Cause and Effect Essay.
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Write your first draft.

Include the following:


Introduction. In your introduction, include a hook to create interest to your topic, explain the significance of your topic, establish the problem you are trying to solve in your essay, explain the purpose of your essay, acknowledge the audience, and state your thesis.

Main Part. Three body paragraphs. Analyze causes and effects.

Conclusion 2.3 Conclusion. Read.

3.4.3 Peer Editing Worksheet. Read
Peer Editing Worksheet. Read pp. 342-343

Cause and Effect Essay p.335-343.pdfPreview the document





Sample Solution

econd section will evaluate how successful the German occupation was at implementing Nazification, mainly assessing their use of the native parties in pursing this policy. The final section will consider the German occupation policy of deportation and execution of Jewish citizens and whether the Germans achieved their objective in this context. The essay will conclude that the policies were of varying success. However, the German’s broadly achieved their objective in relation to the extermination of the Jews, as no other Nazi occupying force achieved such a low survival rate of Jews.

First, a policy which was a top priority for the Germans was the utilisation of the Dutch economy to help the German war effort (Warmbrunn, 1963, p.69). Initially the Germans had exerted an indirect economic control on the Netherlands and its other conquered territories and left the day to day economic policies in the hands of the natives, whilst keeping general supervision (Hirschfield, 1988, p.182). Goering had said that he intended to leave Holland sufficiently independent as to manage their own economy, but still connected closely enough to the Reich, so that German influence on the economic sphere would be significantly strengthened (ibid., p.28). Despite this, the Germans still used their power to plunder from the Dutch, raw materials as well as over 50,000 machines including 18,096 electric motors and 2,375 sewing machines (Klemann, 2008, pp.473-74), and 100,000 bicycles; all of which helped the German war effort (Warmbrunn, 1963, p.71). However, more significantly, the German occupation helped utilise the economy for the Reich’s benefit through the harnessing of Dutch industries. The success of the German’s utilisation of the Netherlands can be seen in the fact that by 1944, 50% of Dutch industry worked exclusively for the Germans (Moore, 1991, p.115). Moreover, Dutch industries were the most productive of all the occupied European states. By the end of 1943, Dutch industry had delivered on 84% of all

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