week 9- Read the following article and summarize the following article in at least 300 words.
– What is inflation?
– What is causing the inflation?
-Why are high income earners just as worried about inflation as low income earners?
– In your opinion, is the concern from earners more of a cash flow concern or a net worth concern?
– What happens when the “Feds” raise the interest rates?
– When consumers stop spending, how will that affect the overall economy?
Demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and built-in inflation are the three basic sources of inflation. Demand-pull inflation occurs when there are insufficient items or services to meet demand, leading prices to rise. On the other side, cost-push inflation happens when the cost of producing goods and services rises, causing businesses to raise their prices. Finally, workers want greater pay to keep up with increased living costs, which leads to built-in inflation, often known as a “wage-price spiral.” As a result, businesses raise their prices to cover rising wage expenses, resulting in a self-reinforcing cycle of wage and price increases.
ignificant constraints, particularly a short time frame and a large group size, for this situation Chelladurai recommends an autocratic leadership style would be most favourable (Chelladurai and Madella, 2006). The leaders attempted an autocratic leadership style, setting individual tasks for the group, however due to the poor leader member relations and lack of positional power the leadership structure quickly became a democracy. The product was an extremely unproductive workforce initially because of the time spent discussing how was best to approach the task. Because of how the leaders were perceived by the group there was little mutual trust, respect or confidence that the leaders were making the correct decisions, and as a result any management style they tried to implement would have been unsuccessful (Pettinger, 2007). Ultimately, if the leaders had analysed their position and the group they would have realised this and chosen a more democratic approach initially the group would have gained trust for the leaders, making future policy implementation easier.
Teamwork Teamwork plays an essential role within both Fiedler’s Contingency Theory and Chelladurai’s Multi-dimensional model particularly regarding leader-member relations, if the group are familiar and trusting of the leader policy implementation becomes much simpler. Similarly to leadership, understanding and adapting to the situation is key to a leader being able to implement policies that ensure a group work as a team. Teamwork is a product of good leadership, and is again the responsibility of the leader to ensure the group are working successfully together. Highly functioning teams are essential within organisations to increase productivity and member satisfaction, by utilising the talents of all group members effectively within the constraints of the task, personal relationships and the group goals (Pettinger, 2007). Figure 2: Tuckman’s Model of Group Development (Agile Scrum Guide, 2019) Tuckman in his Model of Group Development provides easily identifiable stages that a groups performance can be measured against, making it useful for monitoring performance, Figure 2 shows Tuckman’s model. Ranking group performance against this scale can provide leaders with a clear understanding of how the group are functioning, allowing them to implement policies to change this if performance is unsatisfactory (Pettinger, 2007). Within organisations, the theory can be loosely applied to creating teams by grouping familiar individuals with the aim that they will reach the norming and performing stage of the model quicker. For short and simple tasks this is an extremely effective way of organising groups, d