Causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes


research one of the known causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in younger athletes. There has been extensive research done on identifying the causes of sudden cardiac death with the goal of preventing any more unnecessary deaths in sports. You will select one of the common causes of sudden cardiac death among athletes in the United States from the list below. You will show your understanding of the condition through a student paper. The sections that will be included are general description, medical evaluation/treatment, and sports participation.

Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Coronary artery anomalies
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
Prolonged QT syndrome
Aortic rupture from Marfan syndrome
Premature coronary artery disease
Aortic stenosis
Mitral valve prolapse
Sickle cell trait
General Description
Describe the condition.
Note if the condition is anatomical or physiological in nature.
Explain the effects on the body when the condition is present.
Medical Evaluation/Treatment
Explain the assessments conducted to diagnose the condition.
Note any opposing viewpoints on proper diagnosis.
Describe any treatment or management plans associated with the condition.
Sports Participation
List the prevalence of the condition resulting in sudden cardiac death during sports participation.
Identify a specific case/example of the condition resulting in sudden cardiac death during sports participation.
Explain the risk associated with the condition and participating in exercise or sports participation.

Sample Solution

Causes of sudden cardiac death in young athletes

Cardiovascular diseases responsible for sudden unexpected death in highly conditioned athletes are largely related to the age of the patient. In most young competitive athletes (less than 35 years of age) sudden death is due to congenital cardiovascular disease. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common cause of such deaths, accounting for about half of the sudden deaths in young athletes. HCM is a complex type of heart disease that affects the heart muscle. It causes thickening of the heart muscle (especially the ventricles, or lower heart chambers), left ventricular stiffness, mitral valve changes and cellular changes. HCM reduces the functional capacity of an affected person, leading to a physical inability to participate in high-intensity sports.

es, would they subject them to it? The answer is an undeniable no.

IV. The extent of success of Theodicy

So, in essence, Theodicy doesn’t successfully explain why God allows evil’s presence but only explains why God allows soul-building evils . Soul building evils are but a tiny portion of the evil humanity is subjected to at present. Therefore, the explanation obliged by theodicy governs only a tiny portion of the evil afflicting this world. In truth, an explanation is not required for why there is evil if there is an all- PKG God. An explanation is not required for why evil exists in enormity and abundance when it should be none at all. Rather, an explanation is required for why an all- PKG God allows the presence and prevalence of evil in multitude when it should be in the most minute of proportions meant solely for soul building purposes.

V. Evaluation

According to Sober, the most plausible way of rejecting the first version of argument from evil is by rejecting its second premise. My belief is in accordance with his as rejecting the first premise will fall in discordance with leading theistic beliefs and concepts irrespective of whether we reject as definition of theory. To interfere with the concept and manner of God’s existence is a dangerous way of rejecting the argument from evil. Furthermore, in my opinion rejecting the third premise not only goes against the rulings of the heart but the head as well. It is not only cruel to deny the existence and abundance of evil, but it is absurd and ridiculous as well because it is equivalent to denial in spite of concrete evidential reasons present. Therefore, rejecting the second premise by uncovering motives for God allowing evil’s existence is the most plausible way to reject this argument.

Theodicy attempts to explain the existence of evil by the concept of soul building evil. I agree with Sober in this regard that while evil might be soul building in a few cases but the capability of evil to be soul building is no match for its capability of destruction. The extent to which evil in both its kinds can wreak havoc on man kind is horrendous. Furthermore, the proportion of evil that can be soul building is minute as compared to the enormity and multitude of evil in the world that is devastating and victimizing humans every day.

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