Causes of the phases of the Moon.

Explain the causes of the phases of the Moon.


Print out and complete the following moon phase exercise. Following the completion, you may either fax or scan your drawing and send it to me. Note, if you are going to fax it to me, e-mail me a note first letting me know that you are.

Phases of the Moon Exercise

(prepared by the University of Michigan)

In this exercise, you will investigate the cause of the phases of the Moon. The figure below shows an orbital diagram of the Earth-Moon system as viewed from above the Earth’s north pole. Light from the Sun is coming from the left. Note that the drawing is not to scale.

Section I

Shade in the part of the Moon that is in shadow and the part that is unobservable from Earth in each of the eight numbered positions. The first has been completed as an example. (Use dark shading for the shadow, light cross-hatch for the unobservable side.)

second assignment

Discussion Mercury
A classmate of yours, who really likes the Sun, has suggested that NASA should build an unmanned solar observatory station on the planet Mercury. Based on your knowledge of Mercury select a location on the planet to place the station and discuss the materials you would select to construct your station and why you would place it at your selected location.

third assignment

Discussion Earth
Spend some time researching the green house effect both on Earth and on Venus. Compare the green house effect on Earth to Venus then discuss two similarities and two differences in the green house effect between Earth and Venus with your classmates

forth assignment

Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases Study
In order to better understand both the atmospheres of Earth and Venus, I want you to explore the internet and find answers the following questions:

Find and list five greenhouse gases.
Which one is the most dominate on Earth and Venus? What percent of the Earth’s and Venus’s atmosphere is composed of this gas?
List and describe two greenhouse gases that are made by humans on Earth. Are these and any others found on Venus?
Why do we study the planet Earth as one interconnected system?
How do we know that the Earth’s climate is changing and what role does the greenhouse gases play in it?
Compare our greenhouse gas system with that of Venus. What would have to happen to Earth to become like Venus in our greenhouse system?

Sample Solution

marriage proposal, to which Nightingale responded, “…that while he stimulated her intellectually and romantically, her “moral…active nature…requires satisfaction, and that would not find it in this life” (Florence Nightingale, 2009). In 1844, Nightingale enrolled in nursing school. At 17, her sheer independent will and complete disinterest in conforming to the values that which surrounded her all her life allowed her to take the first step towards her goals. She knew that the stereotypical elitist lifestyle wasn’t for her, and rebelled against this idea of a woman catering to her husband’s needs and not her own. Her independence allowed her to carve a path that would soon change the ways society viewed women and the medical field.

Following the Crimean war, Nightingale returned home and was greeted and treated as a hero. She received $250,000 from the British government as well as a brooch from the Queen herself. She used the money to open St. Thomas’ Hospital, and the Nightingale Training School for Nurses, located within the hospital itself (Florence Nightingale, 2009). Women of the wealthier classes strived to follow in her footsteps, and enrolled in the training school to learn from her. “Thanks to Nightingale, nursing was no longer frowned upon by the upper classes; it had, in fact, come to be viewed as an honorable vocation” (Florence Nightingale, 2009). This wasn’t the end of her legacy, however; in 1859, she wrote Notes on Hospitals, about how to properly operate and run hospitals. Additionally, throughout the Civil War, she was consulted many times on how to manage field hospitals, and also served as an authoritative figure for India on public sanitation issues, despite never visiting India (Florence Nightingale, 2009).

Nightingale’s primary goal wasn’t to be a leader, but rather to answer her calling from God which was to reduce human suffering. As discussed by Drew Dudley, during his Ted Talk, we often don’t realize when our actions influence others in a great way. Her drive and initiative to make changes to the workings of the medical field resulted in a worldwide societal and medical reform that has shaped th

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