Certainty for Aristotle


1. List the three laws of Certainty for Aristotle

2. List the six forms of government that Aristotle addressed and which one did he prefer?

3. What were Aristotle’s thoughts on deductive reasoning?

4. What does Aristotle have to do with Alexander the Great?

5.Define and state your thoughts regarding Stoicism? (50 points)

6.Define and state your thoughts regarding Epicureanism (50 points)

7.List 5 Salient Points From Your Philosophy Paper

8.Define Cynicism (32 points)

9.Define Hedonism (32 points)

10.Define Skepticism (32 points)

11.Which practical philosophy do you prefer to guide your life and why (Stoicism or Epicureanism)? (4 points)

Sample Solution

There are three laws upon which all logic is based, and they are attributed to Aristotle. These laws are the law of identity, law of non-contradiction, and law of the excluded middle. Aristotle argued that there were six general ways in which societies could be organized under political rule, depending on who ruled, and for whom they ruled. They include: monarchy, aristocracy, polity, tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy. He referred to monarchy, aristocracy, and polity as “true forms” of government, while tyranny, oligarchy, and democracy as the “defective and perverted forms” of the first three. The true forms of government, therefore, are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest.

Administrative bookkeeping, otherwise called cost bookkeeping, is characterized by the course reading as the period of bookkeeping that is connected with giving data to directors to use inside the association (Noreen, Brewer, and Post, 2014, p. 19). Administrative bookkeeping data is pointed toward assisting supervisors inside the association with pursuing sound business choices. Then again, monetary bookkeeping is centered around giving data to people outside the association. Directors depend on cost bookkeeping to give them a thought of the genuine costs connected with processes, divisions, tasks or items that are the premise of their spending plan systems. This data permits them to break down varieties to decide the best strategy for development to produce benefit. These examinations are utilized in administration bookkeeping, where chiefs can prove the need to cut costs for an organization to build that organization’s benefit. Cost bookkeeping is utilized as an instrument for inner use, versus a device for outer clients like monetary bookkeeping and isn’t expected to stick to GAAP guidelines (Sound accounting standards). All things being equal, cost bookkeeping means to give reports and investigations that will help inward clients with further developed execution measures (Noreen, Brewer, and Post, 2014, p. 19).

Job of administrative bookkeeping and the administration bookkeeper in a business or association

One of the most critical components of cost bookkeeping is to decide item selling costs; nonetheless, it is quite possibly of the least difficult. A second related cost bookkeeping objective is cost control. Associations need to have the option to decrease costs on their bits of feedbacks and increment the cost for their results. Cost bookkeeping is a component to recognize potential areas of failures to oversee and control costs. Administrative bookkeeping data is utilized by the executives to figure out what items/administrations ought to be offered, how to sell them, and at what value (DeBenedetti, n.d.).

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