Challenges and Opportunities in Organizational Behavior


1) Do you agree with Simon Sinek when he says that a great leader is someone who makes their employees feel secure? How does someone that draws their employees into a circle of trust benefit over a leader that makes their employees feel insecure? How would these contrasting leadership styles affect organizational behavior when used in the workplace?
2) When thinking about an organization and how leadership sets the tone, would a secure or an insecure leadership style be more appropriate depending on the type of organization, or is one of these leadership philosophies always the right approach? Support your viewpoint.

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  1. Yes, I agree with Simon Sinek when he says that a great leader is someone who makes their employees feel secure. When employees feel secure, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and creative. They are also more likely to stay with the organization.

There are several ways that a leader can make their employees feel secure. One way is to create a sense of trust and respect. This means being honest and transparent with employees, and listening to their concerns. It also means giving them the freedom to make decisions and take risks.

Another way to make employees feel secure is to provide them with the resources they need to do their jobs. This includes training, tools, and support. It also means creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated.

When employees feel secure, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. They are also more likely to be productive and creative. This is because they feel confident that they can do their jobs well and that they are valued by the organization.

Insecure leaders, on the other hand, create a climate of fear and anxiety. They are constantly micromanaging their employees and second-guessing their decisions. This makes employees feel like they are not trusted or respected. As a result, they are less likely to be engaged, productive, and creative.

Insecure leadership can also lead to high turnover. Employees who feel insecure in their jobs are more likely to leave the organization for one that offers a more secure environment.

Here are some of the ways that contrasting leadership styles can affect organizational behavior:

  • Secure leadership: Secure leadership can lead to a more positive and productive work environment. Employees feel like they are trusted and respected, and they are more likely to be engaged in their work. This can lead to increased productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
  • Insecure leadership: Insecure leadership can lead to a more negative and stressful work environment. Employees feel like they are not trusted or respected, and they are more likely to be disengaged and unproductive. This can lead to decreased productivity, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

In addition, insecure leadership can also lead to more conflict and turnover within an organization. Employees who feel insecure may be more likely to compete with each other for resources or to gossip about each other. This can create a toxic work environment that is difficult to manage.

  1. Whether a secure or insecure leadership style is more appropriate for an organization depends on a number of factors, including the size and culture of the organization, the industry it is in, and the goals it is trying to achieve.

In general, secure leadership is more appropriate for organizations that are trying to be innovative and creative. Secure leaders create a climate of trust and respect that allows employees to take risks and try new things. This can lead to new products, services, and ideas that can help the organization grow and succeed.

Insecure leadership may be more appropriate for organizations that are in a more stable environment and that are not trying to be as innovative. Insecure leaders can provide a more structured and controlled environment that can help to reduce risk and ensure that things are done the right way.

Ultimately, the best leadership style for an organization is the one that is most effective in achieving its goals. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the best approach may vary depending on the specific circumstances.

However, I believe that a secure leadership style is generally more beneficial for organizations in the long run. Secure leaders create a positive and productive work environment that can lead to increased innovation, productivity, and customer satisfaction. This can help organizations to grow and succeed in the long term.




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