There are often two primary challenges when researching a problem: an overabundance of articles that result from the search process, or very few articles that result from the search process. Search strategies involve specific keywords so that your problem is the central focus of the articles that you find. The Walden University Library has helpful materials for how to search for your sources. The librarians are also available to answer your questions about finding the articles that you need. Since the Capstone Project is a research paper, nearly all of your sources should be peer-reviewed articles. One simple way to research peer-reviewed articles is to check this box when creating a search in the Walden University Library. For this Discussion you will explain some of the challenges or strategies that you used in your search for scholarly articles.

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
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Review the Learning Resources regarding critically analyzing and evaluating sources.
Begin to identify mostly current peer-reviewed journal articles.
Post a description of your efforts to identify relevant scholarly articles about your Capstone problem; explain the challenges that you encountered in your search process. Also explain what resources, tips, or organizational advice you have for others with this process.


Sample Solution

Challenges and Strategies in Finding Scholarly Articles for My Capstone Project

As I delve into the research phase of my Capstone project on [insert your Capstone project topic here], I’ve encountered both challenges and successes in identifying relevant scholarly articles. Here’s a breakdown of my experience:


  • Overabundance of Articles: Initial broad keyword searches yielded a vast number of articles. Sifting through this volume to find high-quality, relevant sources was time-consuming.
  • Specificity vs. Scope: Refining my keywords to be more specific resulted in fewer articles, potentially limiting the scope of my research. Striking a balance between focused keywords and capturing a broader range of relevant studies proved tricky.
  • Paywall Restrictions: Several promising articles were hidden behind paywalls of academic journals not accessible through Walden University Library.


  • Walden University Library Resources: The Walden University Library has been a valuable asset. Utilizing the library’s search engine with the “peer-reviewed” filter ensured I found credible academic sources.
  • Database Selection: I explored various databases within the library, focusing on those specific to nursing and healthcare to find targeted articles.
  • Keyword Refinement: I adopted a two-pronged approach to keywords. First, I conducted broad searches using general terms to gain a foundational understanding of the topic. Then, I narrowed down my search with more specific keywords related to my specific research question.
  • Snowballing Technique: Once I found a relevant article, I reviewed its references section to identify additional scholarly sources on the topic.
  • Interlibrary Loan: For articles restricted by paywalls, I submitted interlibrary loan requests through the Walden University Library to access the full text.

Tips and Advice for Others:

  • Start Early: Don’t underestimate the time it takes to find relevant scholarly articles. Begin your research early to allow ample time for searching and refining your strategies.
  • Develop Strong Search Skills: Invest time in learning effective search techniques, including Boolean operators and phrase searching. The Walden University Library offers tutorials and workshops to enhance your search skills.
  • Utilize Librarians: The Walden University librarians are a fantastic resource. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for assistance with crafting search strategies or locating specific articles.
  • Be Persistent: Finding the perfect scholarly articles can be a challenge. Persistence and a willingness to refine your search terms are key to success.


The Capstone project research process requires a strong foundation of relevant scholarly articles. By acknowledging the challenges and adopting resourceful strategies, I’m confident in locating high-quality sources to support my research. Remember, the Walden University Library and its librarians are there to support you every step of the way.


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