Challenges faced in logistics and transportation


1. What are the challenges faced in logistics and transportation?

2. How the supply chain design helps to manage the constraints and margins?

3. What are the dynamics followed to satisfy the customer needs?

4. Which is focused to reduce the organizational risk?

5. What are the recommendations for gaining competitive advantage of the business?

In summery the six weeks of internship program has been an interesting experience in Weatherford labs. The training program is mainly to enable the students to apply all the theatrical and practical knowledge in real world to meet the industrial needs.
Being in different sections throughout the internship program with multi tasks assigned to the trainee for different purposes is help the trainee to improve all the soft and hard skills as well as gaining new experience and knowledge in various tasks that are related to trainee studies or in other fields that are semi related.
Moreover, this internship program also include several activities in safety which was a great opportunity to learn different safety situations in the work place and the suitable way to deal with.
All in all, this internship program increase my theoretical as well as practical knowledge in several topics related to my studies which be helpful to me in future works and studies.

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Before I was conceived, my dad had been a piece of a damaging war, and had seen numerous individuals compelled to surrender their homes and income surprisingly fast, or there would be unbearable results. He had numerous companions kick the bucket directly before his eyes, and had been placed in prison three unique occasions for totally strange reasons. Be that as it may, my dad had a fantasy or an objective that he immovably put stock in. An objective is an approach to quantify our advancement, along these lines, it benefits our every day lives. Be that as it may, dreams can prompt lifetime achievement on the off chance that we buckle down enough towards them. A few of us have never had a fantasy satisfied, perhaps in light of the fact that we come up short on the creative mind and certainty; or a few of us may have been debilitated by others since we thought about their undesirable conclusion. Or on the other hand truly, a few of us simply settle for normal whenever we get an opportunity to be exceptional. My Father earned himself an opportunity to bring a solid family up in a free land. He vanquished his fantasy through potential and steadiness. Regardless of the amount he was undermined, pushed, or pushed around, he never let anybody disrupt the general flow of his fantasy. ‘Dreams are the seeds of epic potential’ (Horton 2018). Dreams can offer boundless chances and conceivable outcomes.

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