Challenges in Supervision


Nurturing supervisees’ professional development and ensuring that clients receive excellent care are two main foci of good supervision. The role of the supervisor is to guide the supervisee and to help the supervisee progress in the development of skilled professional practice. It is the ultimate role of the supervisor to evaluate the supervisee’s work and to protect the safety of clients at all times.

Post a description of at least one challenge related to the practice of supervision with regard to (a) nurturing supervisees’ professional development and (b) ensuring that clients receive excellent care (if you have not experienced challenges as a supervisor, anticipate challenges that may arise). Then explain how you would address the challenges to ensure that you provide excellent supervision. Be sure to identify the foundational elements for superior supervision.

Be sure to support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Sample Solution


The Argument Essay: Just Don’t Do It!

Contention: Please don’t. English 101 is testing and overpowering for commonplace undergrads. Intermittent articles of the story, elucidating papers, books, and Nielsen-Danny’s perusing understanding tests were completely pressed in a ten-year battle. Nonetheless, all the most unendurable works are not talked about. At the point when understudies finish their schoolwork, understudies go around. The vast majority of them were insane during the creative cycle.

The greater part of us have understanding of debate, however conversation articles are totally not quite the same as unexpected verbal contentions. Conversation of the discourse is frequently strongly unreasonable, and questionable conversation is opposite: the contention must be concrete, sensible, definite, and upheld by different sorts of proof. What’s more, verbal conversations will in general spotlight on who is right for a particular issue, however elegantly composed exploration papers center around the correct side of a specific issue. That is, contentions must be intelligent from start to finish.

Seeing how to compose and compose conversation articles is a valuable strategy. Solid discussion will uphold the conversation and give proof to persuade watchers a specific position. This sort of article gives an extensive diagram of the point to the peruser, covering all viewpoints, yet additionally attempting to persuade the peruser to concede to the writer’s viewpoint.

Articles present the writers’ case in an organized structure An article with a solid contention enough proof to help the perspective to persuade the watcher that it will in general help the perspective of the writer It is important to give. This paper proposes an itemized conversation cycle to invigorate different watchers’ considerations on the subject of conversation. In contrast to different papers, the conversation raises a blueprint of the topic, yet all parts attempt to convince the crowd to acknowledge the perspective of the creator.

Contentions can be characterized as cases or proclamations. The reason for the conversation is to persuade the crowd. We should cause sensible contentions so the crowd to can partake and be steady with the perspective of the creator. Hence, one of the key components can be distinguished as a watcher’s observation. Another significant factor is verification. To persuade the crowd, that affirmation ought to be summed up by proof and authority. – Thomas Nagel has said something about the nonattendance of people in “Mind parting and cognizance coordinating”. On account of Nagel’s case, the inner self is the physiological premise of brain research that comprises the subject of understanding. Self might be viewed as an essential individual, or “individual personality”.


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